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Denise Lorentzen, CTA

Owner, Founder, Travel Planner

Phone: 208-297-3237


Lives in Idaho

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 Specializes In:

Family Travel, Disney Destinations, Cruise Vacations, Universal Parks and Resorts, Tropical Destinations

My Certifications:

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I got bitten by the travel bug early on.  My first official trip was at 3 years old to Disneyland.  And although I don't remember it all, I do have pictures to look back on.  One thing that I do think stuck with me from that trip was the love of Disney.  I grew up with it.  Living in California our family went to Disneyland often.  We would come home and my brother and I would play " Disney Parade" in the living room.  We put all the chairs in the house in a row to be our floats, and we were the characters.  We made our mother sit and wave to us!

Once I had children the love took a different turn.  The first trip to Disneyland with our two kids was very magical.  Watching it through the eyes of your children is a very powerful emotion, regardless of where you are traveling.

Traveling together is one of the BEST things you can do for your family.

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Hi! My name is Denise Lorentzen and I am a
Family Travel Specialist and Owner of Dreams Travel Consulting.

Our First Disneyland Trip

In 2006, I started looking into becoming a travel planner.  Traveling with my family brought me so much joy.  I just knew I had to help others experience the same thing.  After classes, I worked in the industry for about 8 years with a few other agencies.  In 2014 it was time to open my own.  That is when Dreams Travel Consulting was born.  We grew from just myself to a team of over 30 agents.  It's something I am so proud of.  

People ask me what type of travel do you plan.  It makes me think of this:


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Our family's first  Disney Cruise was in 2007.  As we waited to board, my kids were hopping up and down in excitement. 


Finally, the friendly crew member in the starched white shirt held up his microphone and announced:

“Please welcome the Lorentzen family!” My kids grinned from ear to ear when our name was called, and they dashed onto the ship, marveling at the colorful chandeliers and gleaming golden tiles. They’d never seen anything like this! 


I had to blink back tears as we walked onto the ship. Because it dawned on me—we were finally embarking on something really special. Something I knew would bring us closer together as a family.


I knew that this was the kind of vacation that would stay with us all—my kids included!—forever. 

This is the kind of vacation I strive to plan for all my clients. It might not be a cruise, and it might not involve Mickey Mouse, but you can bet that I am going to add an extra dose of magic to your vacation. Because your family deserves a journey that’s special in all the ways that matter to you.

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Favorite places- Disneyland, Disneyworld, Hawaii

Favorite Disney Park- Disneyland(it's the original!) and Magic Kingdom


Favorite Trip- Adventures by Disney, Backstage Magic(I love learning the history of the parks and it's start)

Next Vacation I am Dreaming Of- An Alaska Cruise

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Adventures by Disney trip

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